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A three-step process

To get the most from your English-language assessment program, you need to be sure the program’s features and benefits will meet your requirements. We have developed a three-step approach to help you recognize what to look for, and questions to think about when implementing a quality assessment program in your organization.

Icon step 1

Pre-assessment considerations

Icon step 2

Implementing your English proficiency assessment program

Icon step 3

Understanding your results

1.  Pre-assessment considerations

It’s critical to set clear objectives and define the scope of your assessment to maximize effectiveness.

  • Define your English proficiency assessment program objectives and scope, and set out what you want to achieve
  • Check that the program provides actionable data, to improve talent management decisions and build a more English-proficient workforce

Questions to consider at this stage:

  • Do you need to assess new candidates, existing talent or both?
  • Are the test questions up-to-date and relevant to real-life workplace situations?
  • Can the assessment be used to identify strengths and weaknesses to highlight areas of focus for test takers to develop their skills?

2.  Implementing your English proficiency assessment program

Familiarize yourself with the key features and characteristics of the tests and any supporting resources.

  • Access supporting materials to ensure both you and your test takers get the most out of the assessment program
  • Explore flexibility options to make sure the assessment suits your organizational requirements, such as where the tests can be administered

Questions to consider at this stage:

  • Does the assessment organization provide sample tests, user guides and other supporting material?
  • Does the program offer flexible, convenient assessment options like on-site testing?
  • Are assessments available in a module-based format?

3.  Understanding your results

A high-quality assessment with a rigorous scoring process is important for making sure the results can be used to inform decisions.

  • Make sure you understand the scoring process to ensure objectivity of scores and accuracy
  • Interpret your scores using valid, reliable and accurate data to inform talent management decisions

Questions to consider at this stage:

  • Does the assessment program provide information to describe the tasks that test takers in certain score bands are able to perform, are able to do with difficulty and are not able to do?
  • Can the assessment program help define minimum cut scores to set for different positions within your specific industry?
  • Does the assessment program provide personalized, local, in-language support to optimize operational end-to-end support and test result interpretation?
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About the TOEIC Program

The TOEIC program has helped corporations around the world evaluate the English-language proficiency of their candidates and staff for over 40 years. More than 14,000 organizations in 160+ countries use TOEIC scores to evaluate everyday and workplace English proficiency and make more informed talent management decisions.

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